A Day In The Sunshine On The River

by altardy on June 13, 2010

May 30the was a great day for a race. And while searching the list of possible races to go to, I noticed that there was one in Haverhill, Ma. I have run a couple races in Haverhill and have always enjoyed a good race with a great setting and just real nice people. So the decision was made and off I went.
The race started and finished in front of the Garibaldi-Liguria Club and the first people I got to meet were Margie and Ellen. I like getting to a race real early so I can seek out info on the course, the festivities after the race and things of that nature. Within a couple minutes of talking to Margie and Ellen I had all the info I needed for the day and was steered in all the right directions.
The first people I met after registering helped make the day start off on an interesting and super note. In one of the photos I am pictured with Lisa and John Di Commandrea. If you get a chance google john’s name. This gentleman was the first person I met after registering. It was still an hour and a half til the race and he was already warming up by jogging around everywhere. In conversation with him I was able to learn that he is 82 years young, has been running for decades, came in 12th overall in the 1955 Boston marathon (3rd American) and seems to be in a constant state of running. The 2nd picture of John is him after he was awarded 1st place in his age division, and, YES there were many others in his age bracket.
Lisa, not only was a very beautiful first person to meet that day, but is someone that may become a part of helping with this website and the overall charity running that will be occurring. She is photographer and may help getting photos from races in the Boston area. Lisa ran a great race and YES she did kick my butt. But since we’re both Italian it’s ok with me.
Jill was that wonderful person that you sometimes meet during the race. I am still somewhat nursemaiding a slight back and hamstring injury. So during a race, when I might be feeling a bit of pain, it is nice to be able to pull up along side someone and just talk for a bit and take my mind off the pain. Jill was that saving grace about half way through the course and until she reads this she won’t even know how helpful she was that day. “THANK YOU JILL”
I don’t know what you were doing on May 30th, but, I know I was in Haverhill having another great day. Once again the people made me feel at home and glad I had chosen to go there for the day.

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