A Toast To All

by altardy on August 10, 2010

Here are some more pics from the Ridgefield, Ct. road race. Barb was a ball of energy. I noticed her smile long before the race started. Then I didn’t see it again until after the finish line. Did I see her during the race? Yes I did. She was ahead of me the whole way(not by much), but I was unable to catch her. We did share the same thoughts about some of the cars we all had honk their horns at us due to their impatience. At the end, I congratulated her on a great run and she still had the same smile as she did an hour before.

Mike I met during the post race activities, although I had seen him during the race as he was finishing one of the loops on the course as I was entering it. He and I talked about the races we do and he, also, likes to run a race each weekend. He was a pleasure to meet and one of the great people you meet by traveling to different areas to run.
The musician you see was playing at the Southwest Cafe. His name was Christopher Robbin. It was also a great end to a great day of running.
Kellie and her son, Nick, were actually the very first people I met as I arrived on race day. Great people. Kellie is also one of the reasons I have learned to leave my Italian/male ego at home when I go to any race. At the end of the race I inquired how she had done. “OK”. Somehow I knew her humble response would probably lead to me being humbled. Sure enough,
her time was 3 plus minutes faster than mine, and with it she won her age division. “What age division/”, you might ask. First of all, even I know enough not to tell a woman’s age. Second, as I have just told you, she can out run me. I can tell you they were both a pleasure to meet and helped make the day shine.
I realized I never asked the pretty gal with the glass her name. So to her, when you read this please email me your name so I can correct this entry. She was doing a great service after the runners were finished the race. See that glass of refreshment in her hand? That was not her drink. That was MY drink. She was serving up the free Margaritas that helped make this race unique and just a blast to attend. Put this on your list for next year and I promise you will enjoy yourself.

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