4 Together For A Cause

by altardy on November 4, 2010

Although none of the 4 of us had ever worked together, we came together as a strong army to help raise money for the Cutchins Programs for Children & Families in the Northampton/Springfield area.
Fred Ghor, owner of Fitzwilly’s and the Toasted Owl ( 2 of Northampton’s best restaurants– check their website www.toastedowl.com ) asked me one day about putting on a road race, sponsored by the Toasted Owl, to raise money for a local charity. Having known Fred for years and what a great guy he is, and, me being a runner and running event organizer I thought thought it would be a great idea. Fred looked at the calender and picked Halloween day. Why not???
Fred then did some research and came up with the Cutchins Program www.cutchins.org . Although I had never heard of the program, I was on board because of the excitement of putting together another run. Little did I know that after hearing about the tremendous help they are to kids and families and meeting their ball of fire fund raising director, Dawn(holding the sign), I would be so grateful they were the beneficiaries of our efforts.
We then were joined by Kim, the sweet witch of the northeast. Kim was an amazing wealth of knowledge having helped organize other runs. Her knowledge, spirit and enthusiasm were a blessing.
After only 3 months of prep the run was a tremendous, tremendous success. 200 walkers and runners of ALL different abilities came out. The day was beautiful, the support and volunteers were fantastic, the spirits were high and the race was off. Food, beverages, awards and prizes awaited everyone after the race. Being a very flat course many runners experienced their best times ever and the casual runners got to enjoy a nice Sunday run.
The big winner on the day—-The Cutchins Program and all the recipients of their help. It’s not just the money that comes from these events that helps a charity, the new public awareness many times is an even greater reward. I believe that is the case with the TOASTED OWL GIVES A HOOT 5K.
There are a bunch of entries full of pictures and short comments to follow so take them all in and, if you were there, you may find I got you on film.

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