There were many people involved in law enforcement at the Mickey Ward Run this year. There was however a “stand out” group that ran. The Lowell Police Academy cadets and their supervisors/trainers came to the road race on November 7th. I know they go to other races during the year, but, with the funds from this years race going to a fallen officer’s widow, it made their appearance just that much more special.
—I’ve seen different police academies run at these events and I feel seeing them is a great thing to experience. Not only do they run, but, they run with their flag, in a group, running in cadence. For some reason to me it has a very patriotic feel. It makes me proud to see these men and women that have decided to pick a profession that is based upon protecting the rest of us.
—They are pictured here as they approached the finish line to a well deserved round of applause from the crowd.
—Later on I got to chat with Zach and found out that the group is just a short time away from graduation. Be proud of these folks they have earned every one’s respect.