Wonderful People–Wonderful Day

by altardy on March 22, 2011

—There is nothing like spending time with friends, new and old, on a race day.  Nate( no #) is a great new friend. Him and I have met in the last 4 months where he works.  We have found that running, as with many people nowadays, is a hobby we both enjoy.  This was his 1st Holyoke St. Pat’s Race.  He enjoys doing the races that have people running 100 miles through the mountains on trails.  He probably will never see me at the finish of one of those races–just not my thing–so I’m glad he decided to run a race with us “road” race people. 

    —Nick I met as we were both doing traffic duty on a road race last fall in Southwick.  He’s a great runner, a great person and has turned out to be a great friend.

—Melissa and I met after the race as she assisted in taking pictures of me with other people.  So I couldn’t  let a chance to get a picture with such a nice person get away.  “Thank You” Melissa.

—Ovi(L) and I have met at many races.  His picture is becoming a regular thing on this website.  Ovi, Joe and I got deep into the benefits of the 12 and 16 ounze containers of carbs. 

—As you can see from the photos, this race is not just about the running.  There is one more entry about this race. Make sure you check it out and see more of the people and the fun.

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Hi Al, It was great to meet you. I am the guy to your left. When you said that you have made some accomplishments running that was the understatement of the century!!!!! Im glad to have met you and hope to see you out there again. Take care and get healthy.


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