Families, Individuals and Groups Create The Great Atmosphere

by altardy on March 21, 2012


I love getting meeting with and talking to as many people in the St Patty’s Race as possible.  I love to share in their stories and love the diversity of all those there.  

Brian(to my right) and I met a race in the area and now also work together on local races.  He’s a great person and friend.  He introduced me to Danielle, Katherine and his friend in the green shirt, whose name I do not have(sorry).  We all run at different events and talent levels. And that makes for great conversation. 

Jeff is also a great friend that I have known for a couple of decades.  I know neither of us looks old enough to have me make that statement (haha).  Maybe it’s the beverages we have in common that keeps us so young. 

Jim (standing) and Mary were there with Mary’s brother and her daughter.  This is a celebration that everyone can share.  This was Mary’s brother’s first St. Patty’s Day in Holyoke and I think we’ll see all of us back here next year. 

I was standing in line to get some food when I saw these people  gathering for a photo.  I just thought it was so cool that these people all participated in the race/walk and were probably one of the groups that did so to support a cause.  There is one more entry to check out about this celebration.     


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