The Stories Began

by altardy on March 20, 2013

IMG_0015The doors opened and the Friday’s registration and bib pick up began.  As I tell people you need to move into each day looking for the story that the day will bring you.  My stories for the day began right away.  Meet Ryan.  We met about 6 years ago at a Cambridge race.  He wasn’t running, he was doing the timing,  as he runs the Race Wire ( ) timing company. Since that first meeting we have met many times along the way. He and his timing company now do the timing for the IMG_0004Holyoke race. It’s always great to see him and catch up on life.

Heather and I have also known each other for some time. She, however, came Friday for a different reason.  A mutual friend of ours received a very bad injury due to a bad fall way out in the woods.  A helicopter had to be called to transport her to a hospital.  Along with the injury came the diagnosis of  cancer.  I was asked if I would help start a run/walk to raise funds toward the tremendous medical costs this friend is faced with. I will let you know when and where that event will be taking place.



This was the beginning of the day and the stories.  There are a bunch more entries with pictures and stories.  Check them all out because you might just find yourself in one of them. You can email me through the site and let me know if you were there or let me know of your story on those days.

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