Another “Forest” In The Crowd

by altardy on October 28, 2014

I have been on the “injured reserve” list for the last couple weeks due to a fracture in my foot.  But some friends were running a race on October 24th so I decided to go cheer them on. It was in Worcester and was called theIMG_0030 

Canalloween 5k.  Costumes were everywhere and I caught a few pictures from the day.  One of which was interestingly unique.   It was someone who dressed as…IMG_0002  

Forest Gump.  So the two of us just had to get a picture.  On top of Jim finding out that I had really done what his character had done in the movie, it turnes we grew up living about 4 miles from each other.  The wonders of the running world. 

I’ve got some more photos of some special people in the next entry, so check it out.

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