From Both Of Us—-"THANKS"

by altardy on November 2, 2010

To all of the runners, the walkers, the volunteers, the sponsors, everyone associated with the charity and anyone else that was at the 1st Annual Toasted Owl Gives A Hoot 5k–my partner for the day and I want to say “Thanks Sooooo much for just being there”. It truly is all of you that turned a day into a story to remember.

I’ve told people all over the country that you should come to these races looking for your story for the day. I hope I was a part of your story on October 31st. You all were definitely the story I found that day.

Please feel free to email anything you might like to say. I hope you all had a great run and a great day while helping others.

I can honestly say I went home that night with all of you warmly tucked away in my heart.


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