I Needed This

by altardy on May 15, 2011

I traveled out to the western side of Massachusetts last Saturday to do a 4 miler.  The closer it got to race time, the less I wanted to run.  Never has this happened before.  It was just one of those unexplainable things.  In the back of my mind I kept thinking about a track meet I saw listed on the coolrunning website.  By the time the starting gun fired to start the race in Western  Mass., I was 20 miles east, in my car and headed to Bentley University. 

The 1st meet in the New Balance Boston Twilight Series of track meets was taking place there.  I was able to ask some questions as Leah and Jen were hanging some of the banners. They directed me to Dan who filled me in on, not only the schedule for that day’s meet, but also dates and places for some of the upcoming meets.

I started my competitive running in high school and had a stretch of it continue into college.  THIS WAS MY GRASS ROOTS IN RUNNING—NOT LONG DISTANCE.  From sprinter and jumper to one of the trans-continental, running world record holders.  You never know where life will take you. 

Dan and all the people who put this meet on did a great job and gave me the “fix” I needed that day.  ‘Thanks” to all that put the meet on and to all that participated.  TO THOSE THAT READ THIS BLOG SECTION—LOOK UP THESE MEETS AND GO RUN, JUMP, THROW OR WATCH.  YOU WILL ENJOY THE EXPERIENCE. 

There are 2 more entries about this track meet.  Read them and expect more in the future.  Or maybe I’ll see you at a meet.           

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