A Job Well Done

by altardy on July 2, 2011

Meet Dave and Larry.  They are the coordinator and assistant coordinator for the National Corvette Council Convention for 2011.  Unless you’ve tried doing something like this, you have no idea what a tremendous undertaking they volunteered for.

But, along with many helpers, they provided the place for hundreds and hundreds of people to gather and spend a week of racing, showing their cars and enjoying each other’s company.

They were the guys that smiled all the time amongst the craziness and worked everything out.  From hotels to food, race tracks to awards.  Whatever it took to allow 1,000 people to enjoy their vacation together was provided, and then some.  This extended all the way to the guest speaker–me. 

I spent a lot of time with both of them and enjoyed every minute of it.  Read all my entries about the days I spent there and you will see how big of an event it was and how everything went off perfectly.

“Great Job” to you Dave and Larry, and all the others that helped.  And “Thanks” for making my stay a wonderful experience.

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