One Of America’s REAL Dream Teams

by altardy on September 21, 2011

—You see and hear about the newest and greatest “DREAM TEAMS” in sports almost every new season of every sport.

–But, there are other TRUE ALL-AMERICAN DREAM TEAMS that you will probably never meet or hear about.  AND they win every time they show up.  Your looking at members of one of those teams. 

—Left to right with me are Matt,  Tony, Kelvin, Blake and Darren.  These are some of the people across the country that help people’s dreams come back to life.  They are part of the show Extreme Makeover.  These people, and another small group of people like them, are the ones that organize the building of a new home for different families in need of getting their life back together because, of blows that they have taken in life. You may think they do it because it’s their job.  I can tell you that I learned,  through many hours of conversation with them,  that they do it because it is in their heart to be able to help others. 

 —I was fortunate to have participated in the rebuilding of one of these homes recently in Springfield, Ma.. They put together the building of a new home for the family of  Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover, a young boy who took his own life due to bullying.   I was also fortunate to become great friends with these re-builders of people’s lives and their most cherished and personal possession–their home.

—There is one more entry for you to read after this one as of today 9-21-11,but there are many more to be put into my blog section over the next few days.  So visit each day and see the story unfold.  There are pictures of many people you will get to meet. The people you will see  were able to give of themselves and their time because people like these guys are out there rebuilding for others.

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