Some More Of The Heroes Amongst Us

by altardy on September 21, 2011

—If you notice all the people you see pictured are smiling.  It wasn’t just when the camera was out.  One part of what was energizing about the whole experience was that most the people there did not know each other before volunteering for this project.  We all got to know each other and about each other as we were given things to do and placed together with others to get the task done.

  —In one  photo you see a woman I nick named Magic Mary.  With so many people on one job site at a time many necessary items were hard to find when you needed them.  I learned early that whatever you couldn’t find quickly on your own(ladder, rags,brushes,whatever) and 3 minutes later Mary had it for you. I never asked who she had gotten whatever it was, and I sometimes wondered who was now missing it, but she was the best.

—Then we have 5 of us who were painting outside under the lights.  Kristi Ann, myself, Kim(who later was my painting partner on the boom truck), Antonio, and Erin.  I met Kristi Ann and Erin as they were helping in the food line under the tent.  Not content with that duty they asked me if they could join us painting.  With those smiles how could I say no.

—Shirley, Danielle, and Mary(top-bottom) were the only people who I felt I could turn to to get a very important interior project done.  And Mark, me and Akeem kept running into each other all during the project,  Including here just before the family arrived.

There are 2 more entries to read after this including one about the TRUE Dream Team.  So, keep reading and don’t be hesitant to email me through the site.   


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