Part Of The Cast

by altardy on November 21, 2011

One of the most enjoyable things during the many days I spent as part of the build was hanging with some of the people.  JoElle needed some help staining woodwork at about 3 a.m.. I went to help and found her on the floor trying to get done by herself something that needed 3 people to do.  You can also see some of the Red Bull cans that was a big part of keeping everyone moving.

Erin and her cleaning crew spent, what seemed to be 24 hours a day cleaning the inside and out of house #2(the Beach House).  We were in what was called a lock down.  This meant that there was filming going on outside the houses and we weren’t allowed outside.

Tony I met at a build near my house back home.  He was the senior project manager at this Joplin build.  When I got down to the build site for the first time I got to see him again.  He shook my hand, told me it was good to see me again and……I need you down in house #6 to help with the painting.   I already felt needed and thankful I had come this far to help.

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