How To Navigate This Blog

by altardy on December 12, 2011

There have been a lot of entries in the blog section over the last few months.  As you look for the one you want to read here are some instructions.

You can access the most recent 5 or 6 just by clicking onto their titles.  Once you’ve looked at them, or if you’re looking for something from before them, click onto “December Archives”(or whatever month you might be looking for).  That will bring you to a list of titles prior to the most recent. 

To get further back, scroll to the bottom of the list and click onto “previous entries” (bottom left).  This will continue to bring you back til you’ve found and read what you are looking for, or, continue to read some of the past stories.  And, at any time you can email me at .  Feel free to do so as many already have.

Ilook forward to hearing from you.

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