Now For Some Of The Runners

by altardy on June 25, 2012


Here are pics of just a few of the hundreds of runners that came to participate.  Rob, Eileen, Bernadettte, and John,came, ran and regrouped after the race.  I can’t tell you where each finished, but, I can tell you that Eileen took home a medal for her efforts.

Ronna(189), Ed and Colin came to run as a family. Ronna actually did a pretty grueling workout just prior to the race.  I really enjoy seeing entire families participating in race days together. 

And when there is a race sponsored by a pub, there’s always the celebration afterwards. Julie and Nicky joined me for a toast to the day.  Nicky was quite ill before and during the race, but won an award.  And the beer might have helped to forget to pain.

There is one more entry with more pictures so keep reading.

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