This Wasn’t Our First Rodeo Together In Worcester

by altardy on September 10, 2012


I enjoy meeting new friends at all the races I run.  However, there are people I’ve met that I look forward to seeing again or I would feel my year was missing something. 

Joe and I met for the first time in Charlton, Ma. during their annual Charlton 5 miler.  He is quite strictly a marathoner, but volunteers to help in so many races, I see him a few times a year.  And true to form he was the first one to greet me as I came onto the race site that morning.Tom and Steph -what great people. Steph has a very special spot in my heart, because, my daughter’s first race ever was the Canal Diggers and that year it was Steph’s, too. As a long time runner my words to calm the butterflies in my daughter’s stomach had little impact, because I’ve been doing this so long.  But Steph and a couple of her first timer friends became our immediate friends.  Their words to each other was what it took to get them all to the starting line with a “who cares I’m just going to have fun” attitude.  Tom is always with her and supports her tremendously. “Thanks again” for being there. 

   Then there’s Seamus.  He is a firefighter from the area and the flag he carries, along with pushing a stroller with his child, has the names of all the people who lost their lives at 9-11.  He helps keep the memory alive.

There are 2 more entries for you yo read, so keep going.  I hope you enjoy them.

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Hi Steph. Call me when you can. 413-330-9422 Al


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