On My Way Out

by altardy on June 3, 2013

       IMG_0009         As the day was winding down and the crowd was heading home, I was hoping to get one more picture of “something”. All of a sudden there it was….the  2 mile marker as it leaned up against the fence waiting to be picked up and stored away til this time next year. 

I was returning home with some great new memories and friends, many of which came about after passing this sign 2 hours earilier.  If you were there  I know you had a great day.  If you weren’t there to see this sign, do yourself a favor and come to West Roxbury and the 21st running of the Corrib Pub 5k.  It is a day for the entire family.  “Thank you” West Roxbury, The Corrib Pub and all that organized and came to this fun event. 

Remember 3 more things.  1. Keep checking this running site for more race stories and the people they are about.  2.  Keep looking into the creating and up dating of the www.tardyfoundation website and follow the story and run.  3.  for a short time remember to email me at tardy4@comcast.com or call/text to 413-330-9422.  I would love to hear from you.

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