Volunteers And The Crowd

by altardy on October 29, 2014

Not knowing the record setting day that was about to decend upon us, the great volunteers that help us trememdously every year came to do whatever thay could to make the day a safe and glorious for everyone. IMG_0015  

Mickey is always there real early and has gotten to know where her help is most needed each year. Fred said she is trememdously helpful from the minute she arrives til the day is over.IMG_0031  

Fred is the man I trust to help with our timing and the travel on the course.  He is the eyes I most trust to know anything I need to know that might help the runners.IMG_0019  

Steve and his family do everything from delivering the grills to setting up tents to standing in the busy intersections blocking traffic as the runners cross.

There are many others friends that step to the plate to help put this day on each year.  But, these people stand out as people that “stand in the gap”  and get little recognition, which is exactly why I am writing about them.   

And little did we know that we were about to put on a rcae/walk that was 30%+ larger than our largest event to date.IMG_0016    





So check out the next 2 entries to see who and how many came to enjoy the day. 


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