He Brought Lots Of Help And Support

by altardy on November 10, 2014


Tim Garstka, sales manager for Williams Distributing,  was a big  part of the success of this event.  They donated equipment, time, signage, beer and money.  IMG_0003  

They designed booths for distributing containers af carbs.  IMG_0007  

They brought signs.  And they brought man power to help put things together and helped things to run smoothly through out the day.

Tim also ran the race and did quite well time wise. 

Most of all though Tim, Williams Distributing and his team brought a message……IMG_0006   

“Thanks Tim” for your help.  It was great working with you.

There are lots of pictures and stories in the next few entries.  So look to see if you are in any photos and see who came to join in.

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