I Have Found A Treasure–Litchfield, Conn. June 14, 2015

by altardy on June 15, 2015


Sunday June 14th I made my way to a town I’d never been before,  Litchfield, Conn..  I was invited by some friends to come and run in a race they help put on each year. 

I know other people that have been going to this event for years and decided it was time for me to make my way, too.

Turns out it is a wonderful festival that includes what is now the…..IMG_0004  

A treasure of a town, people and an event.IMG_0005  

When I arrived the town was bustling with people everywhere, setting things up and getting the town ready for the day’s festive gathering.

I could tell it was going to be a great experience right from the start. People everywhere greeted you and were smiling and the atmosphere radiated of happiness and an anticapation of greatIMG_0006 things to come that day.     

And I love it when I am greeted with the American flag as one of the first things put at the ready.  

This turned out to be one of those jewels that I had missed.  But not no more.

Read the next 4 entries, check out the pictures and see part of what Litchfield had to offer that day.  Then join me in making sure you and I don’t miss such a treasure again.  Mark your calenders now and set this weekend aside to come to Litchfield, Conn. and be part of the excitement.

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