Special Cudos

by altardy on June 15, 2015


Meet Dan and Julie.  One year ago Dan was in the crowd, smoking and having a couple containers of “carbs”.  He was watching all the runners, of all ages, run past him when he made a major decision.  He turned to his family and friends and said “I’m going to run in this race next year”.

Thing is Dan had never really run either.  So, everyone took it as just a good idea that would pass and be forgotten.  But Dan quit smoking this past January and started training. 

Sunday June 14th Dan ran HIS FIRST RACE EVER.  “CONGRADULATIONS TO YOU MY FRIEND”. And welcome to our world.IMG_0022    

This great couple I met at a wonderful restaurant and pub on the common.  We had all run the race and were rewarding our bodies with a few glasses of that miracle elixure.  “Carbo loading”.

Turns out they had gotten married just 2 weeks before.  “CONGRADULATIONS”.   And after sharing in a few more glasses of rewards,  I forgot their names.  Let me once again remind you of what we were doing when we met.  But, I know someone reading this will  email me so I can correctly complete this entry. Help a guy out here.  tardy4@comcast.net. 

I have alot more pictures from the race in the next couple entries, so read on.

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