Some Other Special People That I Met In Fitchburg

by altardy on June 28, 2015


Cynthia I last saw at this very event when I was here 4-5 years ago.  And she did exactly what she did the last time I saw her….she finished 2nd in the women’s division many, many minutes ahead of me.IMG_0004  

Barbara I met at the starting line.  She was there to “practice what she preached”. 

She works for a health organization and is always telling everyone to be healthy and stay active.  So, she was there setting a great example.IMG_0005  

Meet Terri and her pup Johnny.  Johnny ran his first race ever that day.  Also Johnny is named after Terri’s dad who passed away not too long ago.  This was their beginning tribute to dad.

There is one more entry with a few more photos.  So, check it out.  Some of the people that I talked to in Fitchburg said they wanted to send me some info.  Please feel free to email me either through this site or via my personal email  (which tends to be a better way to get me).

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