Some Old Friends And Some New Friends

by altardy on September 13, 2015



This is a wonderful friend that I met 2 years ago.  Roger came to his first Canal Diggers race that year.  He had been injured for a number years which kept him from participating in the sports world.  But he decided to start back running.  His son, who is a great runner, showed him my site.  Roger followed the stories in the blog for quite some time.  Knowing that I had written great things about the Canal Diggers, he decided that he was going to re-start his running career with that race.  We enjoy re-meeting each year and catching up on that’s happened since the last Canal Diggers. IMG_0026

Seamus and I also met at the Canal Diggers race a few years ago.  He runs every year pushing a child in a stroller and carrying an American Flag.  On the flag are printed the names of all the people that died in the 9/11 attack.  It’s his way of making sure we don’t forget.IMG_0010  

I met Chris(l) and Denise in the food line after running.  It was this first race ever for both of them.  Denise and her sister beat cancer this year and they, along with friend Chris, decided running this race is a great way to celebrate LIFE.  Congrats to you.IMG_0011  

I met Tim and Maryse while lining up to start the race.  They are great new friends that I’m sure I will see next year.

There are 2 more entries with pctures.  One of the photos is a 4 year tradition picture you’ll definitely want to see.  So read on.

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