What, Me Join A Runninng Club—-Never—-Well????

by altardy on September 13, 2015

I have been asked many, many times over my years of running to join running clubs.  Until just a couple weeks ago I had not joined any.  Just not my thing.  Then about 4 years ago, while running in a Canal Diggers race I met….IMG_0028 

Stephanie.  She was running her first race ever along with some other people doing the same.  Her and her husband Tom, who you will meet in an entry after this one, became friends and we would meet at different races during the year. 

At one point she began talkng about a runners club she had joined. She introduced me to some of the members over the next couple of years at some of the races we attended.  I got to know many of them.  What I liked about this club was their social/competitve/just come hang out together nature.  You could be a 6 minute/mile runner or a 16 minute/mile runner and it was all good.  They encouraged each other, cheered for each other and at the end of they day sat and had beers and pizza and toasted LIFE.  So about a week ago I joined the…..IMG_0029  

Wormtown Milers Running Club.    

They are a great bunch of people and I look forward to hanging out with them for many years to come. 

I have 3 more entries with many more photos from last saturdays after this one.  So check out the photos, the antics and the good times had by all.   


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So this is what I posted on Facebook and I included the link to your blog!!!

So I know he is not on Facebook but I want to do a huge shout out to Al Tardy! In your lifetime they say you meet special people for a reason and I consider meeting him at my very first running race something special. Thanks for all the memories, laughs, training help and here’s to many many more fun times together!!!!
I am truly honored to call you a dear friend!

Love ya!!!!


And we are honored to have you, Al! Thank you for the kind words and for always being wonderful. 🙂


Hi Heidi, I want to thank you for your kind words. I’m just an average guy who loves to watch the progress and triumphs of others. It’s people like you that keep me moving forward. Looking forward to running with the members of my second family…..The Wormtown Milers. Let’s dtay in touch either through this site, or more efficiently for me, through my personal email tardy4@comcast.net. And there is always my cell 413-330-9422. Call or text any time. Keep Smiling And Running. Al


Hey Al,
we met and drank together with others at the Craft Brew Fest 5k! It was great meeting you and talking with you. I love being a part of the milers, because of their welcoming spirit of runners of all types! Hope to see you again!


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