—The coolest part of traveling to places to do road races is meeting new people. If you’ve been following my blogs for any amount of time, you have seen pictures of me with thousands of people. My best guess would be that I might have known less than one half of one percent of those people before the picture was taken. To me it is those people and the ones that I’m yet to meet that keep me moving  forward in the running world.
—I knew NONE of the people you will see in this entry until I met them at the Kringle Candle/ Jill Harrington 5k. To me that is exciting and a blessing.Â
—The 1st picture has me with Tom and his family. Tom does the running and they cheer him on–how cool is that? His wife Stacey, Sam, Aly, and Maddie helped Tom and participated in the family day activities that were part of the over all day.
—Brenda(158) and Kate(298) ran there first 5k ever with the encouragement of Rian(159) who is Brenda’s daughter. Good going Rian, we’ve got ’em now. I heard Brenda already talking about doing another.
—Then there is Andrea(91) who pushed her daughter, Ayela, with David, Lindsey, and Megan( who are sisters). The two sisters were just behind me as we started climbing what was a small hill. I offered some advise on how to run hills, cause I heard them talking about it. They evidently are quick learners. They passed me shortly after the advise and took off. The next time I saw them was at the finish line—they were already resting as I was finishing. You should also know that Dave and I did not do well for the male gender that day against these ladies.
—Read more from this great race in 2 more entries after this one    Â