Jen and I shared beers, conversation and warm sunshine at our first pub stop.Â
I had to behave myself though, cause her mom, Sue, and another friend were watching my every move……..just kidding.   Â
Jennifer was probably the most photographed person in our crowd. Her hat had lights that lit up. She was our guiding light for the run.
And Sharon and Dave came sporting different forms of antlers. But in looking at Dave’s more closely, are those antlers or horns??  Either way after this fifth stop I don’t think anyone could tell the difference.
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Great pictures Al! What a fantastic day… Cheers to doing it again next year!
Hi Jessica, Glad you enjoyed the day and the pictures. Hope you and the kids have a great holiday season. There are some pics that I didn’t post. You are in some of them. If you would like me to email them just let me know. Hope to see you out with Dave or Chris again. Loved sharing time with all of you. Keep Smiling Al’
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