2 Great Stories And Just Chilling

by altardy on March 19, 2013

IMG_0038This was the first person to arrive prior to the Friday registration for Saturday’s race. “Prior” being the magic word. I love seeing and meeting the first timers. They are bubbly, excited and nervous all at the same time. This sweet smiling little ray of sunshine was so excited about the St. Patty’s race being her first race ever, she arrived hours before the tent even opened. I know the feeling because it was exactly the same time 10 years ago I did the same thing on the same day for this very race. I am quite upset at myself, however, because I misplaced her name. If anyone can help you can email me through this site so I can give her the cudos she deserves. IMG_0029

What a great story here. Meet Kathy (green top) and her daughter Jessica. Kathy ran her first Holyoke St Patty’s Day race in 1982 and (minus just a couple) has been running them ever since.  A proud day for Kathy as Jessica is about to run her first St Patty’s race ever.  Is that cool or what??? I can relate ’cause I remember the first race my daughter ever ran was with me by her side.  A great memory for both.IMG_0026 

Unfortunately another name I’ve misplaced (help). I could tell this man had a great run. I found him sitting in a warm tent enjoying some well deserved food and just chilling out looking like he was taking in a great day.

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