The Fringe Benefit From Doing Lots Of Races

by altardy on December 2, 2013

These pictures and the next entry are of pictures of people I’ve known because of other races. Or we met due to the fact that we were runners and struck up a conversation somewhere else due to that common bond.IMG_0012 To me these friendships are great benefits that come from still running after 40 years.  

I met Anita(1464) and her husband at a local restaurant a week before this race.  We were all waiting for seats and somehow found that we were all runners. A week later, along with Mora, we ‘ve made it into the blog together.  Amazing things that running does.IMG_0002  

Norm an I have known each other for over 5 years.  He is a rep for Benjamin Moore and we met at Florence Paint And Decorating Store.  Somehow, again, the topic of running came up and that secured a bond between us.  He’ one of those humble runners that rarely feels he’s done well on the day while running times that kick my best effort’s butt.  He did so that day, too. But as you can see I had already begun  re-loading my carbs  and the pain was minimized.   IMG_0013

Jason and I also met due to the painting industry.  Not only had we both come to run on Dec. 1st, but we both volunteered to help before the race.  And, we sat next to each other  handing out bib numbers to the runners as they came to register. He is a talented competitor, not only running races, but doing long trail running and competing in Rugged Manic competitions.    


Ok, truth be told, this was the first time I met Mary and Patrick.  However, we hit it off  like we were old friends AND AND we won some of the pumpkin pies that are given out every year at this great race. So, I felt that moved us into the good old buddies category. 

There are 2 more entries following this one with a bunch more pictures from the Talking Turkey in Holyoke last Saturday.  Check them out.

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Great photos Al! The race was a blast! Missed you at the Bright Nights Race!


Hi Anita, I truly enjoyed the race. Didn’t do the bright nights but did do the pub run at Brennan’s a couple Saturdays ago. There are good changes coming to the St. Patty’s starting line area next/this year. Also, stay in touch with me as we are planning a half way to St Patty’s Day Race at the Elks. And I am working with Easter Seals Mass. event co-ordinator to bring a color vibe race to Holyoke or Northampton.
Have a safe but fun New Year. The best way to stay in touch will be through my personal email Keep Smiling Anr Running Al


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