Canal Diggers, Worcester, Ma. 2014…Oh Yeah

by altardy on September 7, 2014


This was the day and the place I’ve been waiting for.  The Fiddlers’ Green Pub in Worcester, Ma..  Home of my favorite race of the year—The Canal Diggers 5K road race.  This was their 8th year and my 6th year there.  IMG_0001  

I’ve had alot of great memories that have come out of going to this race.  My daughter ran her first race of her life here, side by side with her dad.  I have a picture on my wall of her and I crossing the finish line with our hands clentched together and our arms raised high in victory.  I got  to meet Dick Hoyt, running hall of fame.  And the friends I’ve made have given me a special second family in the Worcester area.  And that doesn’t even come close to scratching the scratch on the surface of all the great times.  IMG_0002 

I always arrive to races 2 hours early.  I know that sounds crazy, but that’s what I do.  And here, like most races I go to, it was very quiet that early.  But for me it creates an excitement of anticipation thinking about what stories I will add to my book of life that day.  I have added many of good chapters to my life’e story book having made this race part of my journey. 

Do yourself a favor.  If you’ve not made it to this race, come to it next year.  You’ll see me there, and you’ll have a great time.  I promise you. 

There are a bunch of photos and about 6-8 entries in my blog from this year.  But words cannot describe the good time YOU will experience if YOU go to see for yourself.  Once you click on the list of 5-6 titles of the newest entries you may have to go into the September 2014 archives to get to the last ones, but do it. 

You can email me through my site or my personal email . I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you either for your first time here next year.   Or, seeing you again, if we’ve already met.

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