I Was Early

by altardy on September 13, 2015


I got to the race site 3 hours early.  Things were quiet as they tend to be that log before the start of the day. IMG_0004 

Things were in the process of being set up and put into place as the volunteers began to start filing in.IMG_0019 

I was there to watch the start/finish line arch be constructed and wheeled down to it ‘s position for the day.

But within an hour or so people started arriving and gathering for what would be another awesome Canal Diggers Road Race. 

I have 5-6 entries with some great photos and short blurps about the great times that were had and the great people that made their way that day.     Read them and enjoy.     AND EMAIL ME EITHER THROUGH THIS SITE OR MY PERSONAL EMAIL   tardy4@comcast.net   LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU

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